
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a 220 yards dash and a 1 mile walk in the freshman and university meeting. These events were omitted in the list of events published Saturday.

The executive committee of the H. A. A. have elected Mr. C. H. Atkinson '85, and Mr. Wendell Baker, '86, senior and junior captains of the Mott Haven team for the ensuing year.

It is a significant fact that six of last year's freshmen eleven played on the university team against Wesleyan on Wednesday, while two more men were on the field as substitutes.-[Yale News.

The total amount of expenses of the Base Ball Association at Brown last year was $1,386, of which $662 was spent in traveling about, $164 in hotel bills, between two and three hundred in expenses for training.

The Pierian Sodality ought to have a large number of competitors to choose from at the trial this evening. The Sodality is a source of pleasure to us all, add should be well supported by the musical skill of the university.


The Amherst Glee Club has received a very flattering and profitable invitation, from Mr. Theodore Thomas, to give a series of concerts in union with the Yale Glee Club, in the large cities of the West. Amherst has accepted. but Yale remains to be heard from.-[Amherst Student.

Advanced instruction for the students who had Eng. 9 last year. Mr. Jones will meet any students wishing such instruction on Tuesdays at 3 P. M.-section I-and on Fridays at 3 P. M.-section II-beginning Tuesday, October 7. Students will please bring the play "As You Like it."

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