
Fact and Rumor.

The successive presiding officers at the '88 class meeting last night showed a woeful ignorance of Cushing's

The class meeting of '86 will be held tomorrow evening at 7.30, in Boylston Hall, when the class officers will be elected.

Ayer, Baum, Burgess, Keyes and Mumford of last year's Freshmen Crew, have been requested by the captain to try for positions on the 'Varsity boat.

Lehigh has a freshman class of 132 almost double the number which entered that college three years ago. Each class has been larger than the preceding one since that time.

The Harvard Union holds its first meeting this, Thursday evening, at 7.30, in Sever 11, for the election of officers, semi-annual reports, annual reports and general organization.


Cornell University as well as Amherst has received a stationary bicycle for use in the Gymnasium from the Pope Manufacturing Company. Harvard's turn should come next.

A quorum of eight members from the combined Glee Club and Pierian Sodality met yesterday afternoon, and elected the following officers: President, M. L. Bradford; Vice-President, H. K. Swinseoe; Treasurer, J. R. MacArthur.

One of the colored waiters at Memorial Hall squeezed his hand in a dumbwaiter last evening, and set up such a bellowing that great excitement was caused among the boarders, many thinking that someone was being murdered.

The following men were elected officers of the St. Paul's Society for the ensuing half-year : President, J. Hays Gardiner, '85; vice-president, E. E. Hamlin; '86; secretary, W. Leverett, '85; treasurer, H. A. Griffin, '86; librarian, J. L. Snelling, '87.

The students who have elected English 9 will meet the instructor-Section A-on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3 P. M., and-Section B-on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 A. M. It is important that all who wish to take the course should be present today or on Monday.

The foot ball team at Princeton will probably be composed of the following men: Rushers, Hodge, '86, Irvine '88 Bird, '85, (captain), Fine, P. G. Harris, '86, Wanamaker, '86, Decamp, '86; Qaarter back, Hodge, '86; Half backs, Baker, '85, Lamar, '86; Full back, Beckham, '36. Of these men, Bird, Harris Wanamaker, Decamp, Baker and Lamar played on last year's team.
