
Fact and Rumor.

The Institute of Technology eleven defeated Tufts College yesterday afternoon on the Union grounds in Boston. The score stood one goal to touchdown, 6 to 4. The Tech. eleven was minus several of its best players.

By a new regulation of the faculty, an average of 50 per cent. in all subjects will be necessary for promotion, and 50 per cent. will also be necessary to work off a condition. A mark of 40 per cent. in a single subject, however, will pass.

The sets played in the third drawing of the tennis tournament resulted as follows : Singles-Spalding beat Thayer, 6-2, 2-6, 6-0 ; Pierson beat Johnson, 6-2, 6-2. Doubles-Parker and Williams beat Shepard and Barret, 6-1, 6-3.

At the meeting of the Harvard Union tonight, the subject for debate is-Resolved : That party fealty should cease when unfit nominations are made. The debaters are as follows : Affirmative, W. B. Schofield '87, and A. S. Jennings '85; Negatives, E. A. Whitman, L. S., and L. W. Batten '85.

Any member of the University desiring to join the Harvard Union will have an opportunity to do so at the close of the meeting this evening. It is hoped that all who intend to join the Union will do so at once, in order that the Secretary may furnish a complete list of members for the coming Index.


At the last regular meeting, the following were elected officers of the Everett Athenaeum :-F. H. Stanyan, president ; C. S. Elgutta, vice-president ; J. B. T. Tuthill, treasurer ; F. C. Parmenter, secretary ; S. Abbott, stage manager and chorister ; C. G. Smith, E. S. Litchfield, C. S. Thompson, standing committee ; C. F. A. Currier, F. C. Southworth, G. F. Buck, editors.

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