
Fact and Rumor.

Attention is called to the vote of the Faculty by which the use of drums in the college yard or buildings is forbidden.

A member of '88 made an excursion to U. 5 last week in order to get permission from the Dean to join the class crew.

In the rush at Yale two sophomores lost all their clothes with the exception of a few strips of trouser legs and their shoes and stockings.

The late Dr. Francis B. Hurd of Boston, a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy and of Harvard, has left $50,000 to Phillips Exeter Academy.

The man who stroked the first Yale crew which was successful against Harvard, in 1859, is now a successful minister, the Rev. J. H. Twichell.


The prescribed lectures in Chemistry come in the first half year, those in Physics in the second half year. Hours for both courses-Monday at 12.

At the meeting of the Canoe Club last evening it was decided to hold a fall regatta on Saturday. Mr. W. N. Roundy was elected an associate member.

In the game between Princeton and Wesleyan Saturday, the Princeton rushers broke through and tackled well but the half backs were inclined to fumble, although they kicked well.

The officers of the Harvard Total Abstinence Society for the current year are as follows: President, V. C. Alderson, '84; vice-president, H. T. Hildreth, '85; secretary, J. A. Hill, '85.

All students who wish to attend the Independent rally at Union Hall tonight, are invited to march down with the Cleveland and Hendricks Club of the Law School. A band will head the procession and seats in the hall will be reserved. All are requested to assemble in the Square at 7.15 sharp.

A fine brown stone building is almost completed for the recently formed "Fox and Grapes Society" at Yale. This society is to be more a club than a secret society, and the building will be fitted up very luxuriously, in great contrast to the gloomy halls of the "Skull and Bones," and of the "Scroll and Key."

The Boston University Athletic Association have secured grounds on Huntington avenue and have put a 'varsity eleven in training. The seem promises to be exceptionally heavy and powerful and several games with other college teams have already been arranged. The halfbacks are men already well known in school contests.
