The cricket men will play at St. Paul's School today.
Mr. Eliot Norton, '85, will not enter any bicycle races this year.
Foot ball game with Technology this afternoon at 3 P. M. on Jarvis Field.
The co-operative society stops its sale of furniture today at 11.30 o'clock.
P. T. Barnum has given over $50,000 to the scientific department of Tufts College.
Sixty thousand dollars have been given to endow a chair in the new art department at Princeton.
Two prizes have been offered to the senior class at Williams for the best written and delivered oration.
Yale, '88, has a pitcher who had great success in playing with amateur nines this summer. On one occasion he struck out seventeen men.
The Cleveland and Hendricks Club of the Law School will march this fall; but they will not maren in any Blaine and Logan procession.
The third ten of the Institute of 1770 from '87 are Bartol, Higginson, Briggs, H. L. Clarke, Herron, Fletcher, S. W. Perkins, Whistler, Cox, Brengle.
Several members of Chemistry 1 have been unable to make their first experiments as yet, as some of the appear that has given out, and it is necessary to wait a few days.
Daniel Pratt has taken the stump for Blaine and the "grand old party." He delivered a pretty oration in the entrance to Memorial yesterday about lunch time.
The base ball mania has attacked the young ladies of Bridgeton Academy. They have organized two nines and selected their ball grounds. At present the question of uniforms is the all-absorbing topic.
The manager of the foot ball association has already arranged for three games this fall, one with the Technology, tomorrow, another with Rutgers, and a return game with the Technology in Boston on Oct. 25.
Important information from the Yale News: "Miss Mary Garrett, of Baltimore, is said to be the wealthiest unmarried lady in this country. She inherits one-third of her father's enormous fortune. She is twenty-eight years old."
At the first discussion of the section in English 6 yesterday in Sever 11, there were quite a number of interested spectators. The subject was, "The Advisability of a Third Party." Next time the subject to be discussed will be "Temperance."
At a meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club of the Law School yesterday afternoon the following officers for the Republican torchlight procession were elected: 1st marshal, Charles R. Saunders; 2nd marshal, Harris B. Twombley; 3d marshal, Edward Kent.
General Danlel Pratt, "The Great American Traveller," while giving one of his master speeches at Memorial today, said that Harvard University, take it all in all. is the greatest institution of the kind in the world. Mr. Pratt speaks next week to the students
The attention of freshmen and nonmembers of the H. A. A. is called to the following clause of Article XI of the constitution: "No member of the University shall be admitted to witness any sports unless he be a member of the association." The initiation fee of the association is $3, singles 25 ets. new members can join at 28 Grays during the secretary's hours.
President White of Cornell, has summoned the officers of the sophomore and freshman classes to appear before the faculty on Friday. The cane rush which took place a few days ago was a rough one, and several were injured quite severely. It is reported that the officers of the college are determined to stop this practice of "rushes" between the two classes, and contemplate bringing legal proceedings against all who indulged in the last one.
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