

The men trying for the Mott Haven team are divided into two squads, those from '84, and '86, exercising under Mr. Goodwin, and those from '85, and '87, under Mr. Atkinson.

A curious thing in connection with the opening of Cornell University this year is the fact that more students have registered the second term than in the first, an occurrence without parallel in the history of the institution.

The University of Vermont has received a bequest of $115,000. A handsome gymnasium is to be erected. A bronze statue of Lafayette, who laid the corner-stone of the university, is soon to be unveiled on the campus.

The practice boat used by the Cambridge (Eng.) University eight is clinker built, on a lighter style than the eights usually used as practice boats, and is made of spruce. She is fitted with all the latest improvements, and may be termed a racing boat.

The De Pauw University in Greencastle, Ind., is to have eight more buildings-a law college, a medical college, a theological college, an observatory, two dormitories, and other structures, to be erected without delay.


Representatives from Stevens, Rutgers and Lafayette colleges will meet at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, on Feb. 9, for the purpose of forming a base and foot-ball league of students in the institutions named and in one of two other colleges. The University of Pennsylvania and the Wesleyan University will also be included in the league.
