

The regular recitation in Greek 1 has ceased.

There will be no more geological seminars until after the semi-annuals.

The January number of the University Bulletin will be issued next week.

Every locker in the gymnasium is now occupied.

Funds have been raised for a new observatory at Brown.


Cornell Alumni propose the erection of an Alumni Memorial Hall.

There will be four entries in heavyweight boxing at the winter meeting.

Rev. J. H. Thayer D. D. will conduct weekday morning prayers during Jannary.

Two lockers have been placed in the cage of the gymnasium for bats, markers and balls.

Marks on the recent examination for those conditioned in entrance French can be obtained at the office.

Prof. Allen will continue his course of lectures on the "History and Methods of Classical Study," in Sever 18, at 11 A. M.

Professor Shaler says that the brilliant sunsets which have lately occasioned so much comment are undoubtedly caused by the recent eruptions at Java.

The eighth ten of the Institute of 1770 is as follows: Camman, Atherton, Houghton, W. W. Baldwin, H. S. Abbot, Moors, Fisk, C. A. Brown, Frye and Thoron.

There will be no more recitations in Political Economy 1. Prof. Laughlin will be in Sever 11, Monday from 9 to 10 A. M., and in H. 6, Tuesday from 2 to 3 P. M. to answer any questions on the course.

The Longfellow Memorial Fund now amounts to $11,500. Efforts are being made to increase the amount.
