In an item in Wednesday's issue, Matthew Arnold was mentioned as being a Professor of Cambridge. It should have read at Oxford.
The election last night for the President of Memorial Hall resulted as follows: Mr. Baldwin, '85, received 371 votes; Mr. Frothingham, '84, received 136 votes; scattering, 27. Total 534.
The Yale crew will be at a training table after the 15th inst. Strict training will then be begun and stationary seats will give place to sliding seats in the boat.
Prof. Hennequin, of Ann Arbor University, has almost completed a French and American dictionary, begun by Prof. Fasquelle, which will for the first time present the philology of both languages in juxtaposition. It will be issued during the coming year.
Mr. Darwin's essay on "Instinct," which has recently been published, has awakened but little discussion. The general opinion seems to agree with Prof. Huxley, in that it is of very little importance, and had better have been left unpublished.
It is reported that three members of the last year's class at Harvard agreed upon graduation-day to exchange telegrams at midnight-Cambridge time-Christmas Eve; as one is in Europe one in New York, and one in Japan, the result was rather unique.
The 'Varsity, of Toronto advocates the discussion of political questions in the Literary Society, citing the fact that Gladstone, Beaconsfield, and many of the most distinguished statesmen of the age have repeatedly testified to the political insight and readiness obtained through the medium of such discussions at college.
S. R. Whiting, son of Congressman Whiting, of Massachusetts, has been fined $57, for an assault on Harry B. Osborne, a fellow-student at Williston Seminary, Northampton, Mass. Osborne was a new student, and Whiting insisted on his treating all hands. When Osborne refused, a fight ensued, and Whiting broke Osborne's nose and otherwise damaged him.