

There will be no recitations in French 1 and 4 this week. Arrangements will be made for the members of those sections by Monday next.

The Yale Record has appeared in a new lavender cover, designed by Tudor Jenks. Yale '78.

The class in the first year of the Law School will be far below the average of past years.

Mr. E. L. Thayer, '85, and Mr. Jesse Lowman, '84, have been contributing to Life, during the summer.

Mr. E. A. S. Clarke, '84 has been elected captain of the University crew.


Mr. W. B. Noble, '84 won the Tennis tournament at Lake Mohonk this summer.

Mr. L. V. LeMoyne, '84 has been elected captain of the University nine.

It is rumored at Yale that Peters will not play foot ball this fall.

While in England this summer, Mr. Eliot Norton, '85 acted as a judge in the national Bicycle tournament.

The Freshman class at Yale numbers 178, twenty-two of whom are from Andover and twenty from Hopkins Grammar School.

Mr. A. D. Claflin, '86 won the five mile bicycle race (open to college men) at the recent Springfield meet, beating competitors from Yale and Amherst.

Jones, the Yale pitcher of last year, who is now playing with the Athletics, has adopted such a peculiar style of delivery that he goes by the name of "Jumping Jack" Jomes.

A pamphlet dcscriptive of the courses offered in Music by Harvard College has been issued by the Music department. It is similar to the pamphlets issued by the Greek and by the Geology departments.

Cochrane, who played centre-rush on the Andover team last year, will probably play in that position on the Harvard Freshman eleven against us this year.-Exonian.

Mr. Henry R. Flanders, '85 has been elected captain of the Yale crew.

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