

The following-named men will compose the nine in the game today: Allen, P.; Nichols, c.; Smith, 1b.; Coolidge, 2b.; Beaman, 3b.; Baker, s.s.; Le Moyne, 1.f.; Crocker, c.f.; Lovering, r.f.

Sections A and C in Freshman Latin will recite together at 9 A. M. June 2, and 12 A. M. June 5, but separately at the regular hours on June 7th and 9th. Examination books are to be handed in as soon as possible.

The Clipper's account of the recent inter-collegiate sports states that among the colors displayed by the lady spectators "the pale blue and white of Columbia and the bright crimson of Harvard were largely in the ascendant."

In the Longwood tournament yesterday, S. Richards forfeited to Dr. Dwight. J. S. Clarke played Dwight 6-4, 6-5, 5-7 and 2-0, on next set, which will be finished today. Dwight and Richards forfeit to J. l. and C. M. Clark in the doubles.

At the meeting of the lacrosse team last night it was decided to protest the recent Yale-Harvard game, and the following committee was appointed to draw up grounds of complaint: Davis, '83; Noble, '84; Marquand, '85. Mr. Noble, '84, was elected captain for the ensuing year.

