The Brighton horse-cars leave Harvard square this afternoon at 2.20 and 2.50, and run within a short distance of Beacon Park, where the races of the Bicycle Club are to be held this afternoon. The races begin at 3 o'clock.
The Yale freshmen defeated a nine from the Worcester Technical Institute at Springfield last Saturday, by a score of 14 to 2. Yale made eleven base hits with a total of fifteen and but three errors. Worcester got but three hits off Odell.
The one hundredth annual catalogue of the Harvard Medical School has appeared. The main part of the pamphlet is reprinted from the university catalogue. To this is added a very complete set of examination papers. The pamphlet is supplemented by a lengthy description of the new building, illustrated very complete by plans.
There will be an entertainment at the rooms of the Everett Athenaeum Friday evening, at 8.45 o'clock. All former members of the society are cordially invited to be present.
T. H. ROOT, Sec.Senior members of the H. P. C., who have paid all assessments, can obtain invitations for the class day spread Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 to 12 A. M., at 1 Grays.
W. W. BRYANT, for Committee.If the gentleman who borrowed the Glee Club shingle from the window of University Hall last evening, will kindly return the same to No. 5 Holworthy, he will confer a favor upon the club.
C. S. HAMLIN, Secretary.The class-day invitations for the Pi Eta society may be obtained at 6 Weld today, between 2 and 6 P. M. The price is 8 cents each, and invitations are to be paid for when taken.
WALTER E. DAMON,For the Committee.