Prince Bismarck is ill.
The proceedings in the star-route trial yesterday were of small account.
Gen. N. P. Banks was yesterday re-appointed United States marshal in Boston.
The proposed demonstration of the socialists in Paris yesterday took no form.
The floods still continue throughout the Mississippi valley, and great destitution and misery prevail.
The Treasury officials at Washington are still puzzling over the proper interpretation of the tariff bill as applied to banks.
The steamer Navarre, from Copenhagen to Leith, with eighty-one people on board, foundered in a gale Wednesday. Only sixteen people were saved.
Prof. Wiggin still adheres to his opinion that a great storm will visit this locality today; the utmost consternation prevails in many places, and the shipping interests of New York have already been unfavorably affected to the extent of $1,000,000.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 10, 1883, 1 A.M. For New England, increasing cloudiness, with rain, warmer southerly, veering to westerly, winds, lower pressure.
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