
Seats on Holmes Field.

The contract for the first section of seats on Holmes Field has been given to the New Jersey Steel and Iron Co. of Trenton, N. J.; that for the rest has not yet been given out, as the designs are not quite completed.

The first set is 240 feet long, and has a seating capacity of 2120. It consists of two banks of seats, fifteen rows deep.

The designs for the second set are in preparation. The seating capacity is 2120, the same as the first, but this set differs in being higher but narrower; the two banks of seats being 23 rows deep.

The front of these seats will be all wood work, looking like ordinary stands; but the supports and frame work will be entirely of steel. A new feature is the width of the aisles, that being three feet, thus allowing two persons to walk abreast with ease.


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