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Gov. Butler attended the meeting of the Saturday Night Club of New York last Saturday. After the banquet Judge Stanley Matthews made a brief and witty speech in which he suggested that Harvard College, instead of bestowing the customary degree of LL. D. upon Governor Butler should dub him D. D. Judge Matthews expressed a wish that he might be present upon the occasion of the conferring of the degree, as he thought it likely to be a very festive one. General Butler looked up smilingly and said, "I will be glad to see you there." "Very well," responded the judge, "I will accept your invitation." Gen. Butler in his speech declared that he agreed with Judge Matthews regarding the Harvard College degree. If he was to be honored by that celebrated college, he preferred that the title of D. D. should be conferred upon him instead of LL. D. He thought he could fill the bill whatever the letters meant. Judge Tourgee indorsed Judge Matthews's suggestion that Harvard College should confer the degree of D. D. upon Gov. Butler, instead of the customary LL. D. It was eminently proper that Gov. Butler should wear the significant title of D. D., indicating that he was, as he should be, the director of the divinity of Massachusetts.
