


A meeting of the Amherst students was held last Saturday to protest against the recent action of the faculty in regard to inter-collegiate sports. A committee on resolutions previously appointed, reported, presenting a strong petition. The preamble set forth the action of the faculty in very emphatic contrast to the recent statements of the president that the college was never better ordered nor the work accomplished more satisfactory.

The resolutions voiced the sentiment of the college in regarding the faculty's action as inconsistent with their own statements in approval of the past conduct of the nine, as unwise in tending to repress college spirit, and, by the substitute offered, class games, to revive class spirit, now nearly extinct, and as unwarrantable in view of the fact that the "new system" at Amherst transfers the control of the students' disposition of time, money and energy from the faculty to the students themselves. The resolutions conclude with a request to the faculty not to persist in a course that will surely result in a diminution of the students' affection for their Alma Mater and respect for its faculty. The resolutions were eagerly signed by all the classes, less than half a dozen men having as yet refused to put down their names. The petition will be presented to the faculty this week.


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