

Official Rules to Govern Future Races.

If he thinks proper, the referee may reserve his decision, provided that in every case such decision be given on the day of the race. Pending his decision no one shall be admitted to the presence of the referee except the judges and such witnesses as they and the referee may summon.

The crews shall row in each successive year on alternate courses. In 1883 the courses shall be determined by lot.

The starting line shall be moved down from the present starting line the distance of sixty (60) feet toward the finish line, and shall be at right angles to the central line of buoys. Each boat shall be provided with a metal staff or rod eighteen (18) inches high, carrying a flag measuring nine (9) by five (5) inches, of the color of its university. Such rod shall be fixed perpendicularly at the stem of the shorter boat, and on the longer boat at a distance forward from the centre of said boat equal to half the length of the shorter boat. Each boat shall be started even by these flags, so fixed on the starting line, and shall be adjudged to have completed the course when said flags shall have crossed the finish line.

Five days before the race a suitable referee's boat shall be provided and each university shall name two judges and a time-keeper, one judge to be located at the finish, the other with the time-keeper to accompany the referee. The appointment of the judges and time-keeper shall be reported to the referee.

The judges' boat at the finish shall be so placed that the referee can easily see the flags when they fall, and the falling of the respective flags shall indicate to the time-keepers that such boat has crossed the finish line.


The referee shall notify the judges and the time-keeper of each club to meet him at such a time and place as he may direct and settle all details of the race.

On the day of the race the referee shall go over the course and personally satisfy himself that everything is in its proper position.

We the undersigned representing the Harvard and Yale Boat Clubs with full powers to act for the same agree to the adoption of the foregoing rules.

FRED C. LEONARD,Pres. Y. U. B. C.LOUIS K. HULL,Capt. Y. U. B. C.G. R. AGASSIZ.Vice-Pres. H. U. B. C.R. C. WATSON,Of Harvard Graduate Com.Springfield, Feb. 19, 1883.
