Board at Memorial for December and January is $4.28 per week.
In 1790 there were one hundred and forty students at Harvard College.
'83 Pi Eta. Meeting this evening in the society rooms at 7 o'clock sharp. Important.
Mr. Herbert Putnam, '83, who has been abroad since last summer, has returned to college.
Marks are out in French V., Chemistry II., Philosophy II., Fine Arts IV. and V. and German III.
Prof. Norton lectured in New York last week and was the guest of the Metropolitan Museum Club.
The section in Chemistry II. has finished the subject of "Crystallography," and will next take up "Minerals."
The librarian of Harvard University indexed 208 volumes of periodicals for the recent edition of "Poole's Index."
English I. will take up Bacon's Essays at the next recitation. Either Abbott's or Louis' edition is recommended.
Will Harvard want us to give up the Davis rigging, and return to Whitehall boats, thole-pins and sweeps? - [Record.
Subscriptions ($1.50) to the next volume of the Lampoon for the remainder of the college year may be left at Sever's.
The Boston Gazette denies the rumor that Rev. Phillips Brooks, upon his return from abroad, "will relinquish his church for honors still reserved for him at Harvard College."
At a meeting of the directors of the Dining Association, last evening, a motion to submit the coffee question to a vote of the members of the association was voted down by a large majority.
The lectures on Wednesday in Fine Arts IV. and V. will be shortened in order to allow students to consult with Prof. Norton in regard to the marks on their semi-annual examination papers.
By a mistake at the office, Prof. Allen's advanced section in Freshman Greek and the two sections in Political Economy I., were assigned to the same room, Sever 11, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. As the freshmen were first on the ground, the members of Pol. Econ. I. were compelled to adjourn to Harvard I. Different arrangements will probably be made in time for the next recitation.
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