

Eastman and Hubbell will form the battery of the Williams nine

Attention is called to the notice of a change in the business hours of the co-operative office.

The Argo on the Williams eleven : "With an early organization and conscientious training on the part of the players, we prophesy a gratifying record for next year."

The ideal statue portrait of John Harvard, lately modeled by Mr. French, of Concord, shows him in the gown and flat cap of an English university undergraduates.

"With one or two exceptions, the playing was not too rough, but several times the referee had to take out time while some Harvard player was rubbed back into playing condition." [News.


There has been added to the laboratory of Princeton College a large diffraction grating for stereoscopic work on the sun. The grating was invented by Prof. Roland, of the Johns Hopkins University.

The Oxford undergraduates are preparing to give a representation of the Birds of Aristophanes. If the difficulties in the presentation of this play are overcome the effect must be very showy and impressive.

The foot-ball season has been remarkable for the determination with which Princeton has worked to retrieve the record of last year, when both Harvard and Yale defeated this college. To do this, there were but four old players to start with; and as one of these was injured during the season, eight new men had to be found. Faithful practice and the best captaincy Princeton has had for years, has produced a team which defeated Harvard more severely than she was ever defeated. [Ex.

The keel schooner yacht Gitana, Mr. William F. Weld, Jr., owner, sailed on her Mediterranean and African coast cruise, yesterday. Mr. Weld will be accompanied by three friends, among them Mr. R. D. Sears, and Mr. Mercer, and possibly Mr. P. Grant, Jr., will be of the party. The Gitana is fitted out for the cruise in the most perfect manner possible, no detail having been overlooked. She sails first for the Bermudas, thence to Madeira, Gibralta, the coast of Spain and the south of France, thence to Italy, Sicily, Algiers and Tangiers in Africa, the Canary Islands, Trinidad, working through the West India Islands and so north to Florida and along the coast to Hampton Roads. Mr. Weld expects to return by April next.
