The Yale Glee Club on its Western trip will probably go as far as St. Louis.
Princeton possesses the identical electrical machine used by Dr. Franklin.
New oars have arrived for the university crew. They are eight inches longer than those of last year, and are straight spoon oars. The Davis oar has been discarded. [ News.
Professor W. W. Goodwin will read a paper on "The American School for Classical Studies" before the New England Woman's Club this afternoon at half-past three o'clock.
The students of Tokio Japan Imperial College of Engineers have recently made valuable improvements in the common electric light. They now have one in use, the intensity of whose light equals that of 3000 candles.
The Metropolitan Museum has called to the post of manager of its art schools J. W. Stinson, a graduate of Yale and of the Paris School of Fine Arts, who has been occupied at Princeton College as practical instructor and illustrator.
A strong effort is being made by the artists of Boston to keep there Reynold's great painting "Automedon with the horses of Achilles," which has been on exhibition in the city for some weeks past.
A game of foot-ball was played on Jarvis, Saturday afternoon between the '84 and '85 tables at 6 Garden street, resulting in a victory for the juniors by a score of three touchdowns to nothing. Boyden, '85, was referee. A number of lady spectators occupied the seats.
Columbia's position is changed only in degree. Last season we were fourth on the list and this year we were again last, but if there could be a station lower than that we would assuredly hold it ; and at the present there is an "if" connected with our being even last, for their is a possibility of our not being allowed to remain in the Association at all. [Acta.
The question of allowing students the option of substituting modern languages for Greek is fast approaching a decision at Harvard. The battle appears to be between the faculty and the overseers, and in the anti-Greek party are President Eliot, Rev. James Freeman Clarke, Supt. Seams of the Boston public schools, and, of course, Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Professor Agassiz favors the reform party.-[Graphic.