

Very few men have as yet signified their intention of subscribing to the reading room.

Professor Goodwin will continue his reading of the Frogs of Aristophanes this evening, at 7.30, in Sever 11.

The "Birds of Aristophanes" will be given this term at Cambridge university.

The next meeting of the Mathematical Seminar. will be held in University 19, at 4, P. M. tomorrow. The questions which will be discussed are posted.

The interest in foot-ball in England is shown by the fact that a recent match at Blackburn attracted 10,000 people.


Homans won the 400 yards race at Beacon Park Monday. This was a professional show and the time, 43 1-2 sec., cannot be believed.

At the last meeting of the Bicycle Club Messrs. R. F. Howe, '84, F. Hamlin, '84, I. V. Le Moyne, '84, were elected associate members.

Members of the section in History 13 who desire to write theses for a part of their mark of the year's work, may obtain subjects from the instructor, Mr. Hart.

The Yale freshman take very little interest in their foot-ball team. Some days not more than two or three go out to practice. Unless they brace they will stand a very poor chance of beating Harvard. [New Haven Union.

The university crew is at present rowing in the following order, Keith '85 bow ; Mumford, '84, 2; Borland, '86, 3; Yocum, '85, 4; Hamlin, '86, 5; Cabot, '86, 6; Storrow, '85, 7; and Perkins, '84 stroke.

COLUMBIA PRESSED US.A strong team of athletes was sent to the intercollegiate games, coached by a competent professional trainer, which team secured second place for Columbia in the list of colleges, and pressed Harvard closely for the cup.

William Blaikie, in the November Harper, cites the cases of President McCosh and Eliot, each of whom was a member of the university crew of their respective colleges, to prove that excellence in college in athletics does not imply negligence of mental training.

The Yale freshman eleven displayed unusual strength in its game Saturday with Williston, a school eleven with a rush line averaging 163 lbs, it easily won by 28 points too. It is significant that one of the Yale men received 3 warnings and was disqualified for unfair play. The Yale team was made up as follows;-Rushers-Coxe, Ketchum, Rogers, Sheppard, Corwin Vining, Farrington ; quarter-back,' Bayne; half backs, Dennen, Jennings; back, Martin; substitute, Willard.
