Mr. Harold C. Ernst, the famous ball player, is a candidate for the degree of A. M.
A small fire yesterday on Cambridge Street, a little before two o'clock, at tracked a large number of students.
A number of new members have been taken into the Historical Society.
Messrs. Hardwick and Stewart, who were injured in the boat house accident, have returned to college.
Princeton's foot-ball team is almost made up this year of new men, only two of the present team having played through last season. [Yale News.
Mr. T. M. Osborne, '84, has resigned the conductorship of the Sodality to lead the Glee Club. Mr. C. E. Hamlin, '84 will probably conduct the Pierian.
President Eliot suggests that the boat club select an investigating committee on the recent boat house accident and recommends that some friends of Mr. Mead the man worst injured, be placed upon it.
The following team will play this afternoon: Rushers, Gilman, Hartley, Cabot, Appleton, Bonsal, Codman and Haughton; quarter-back, Kimball; half-backs, Austin and Biddle; full-back, Cowling.
Professor Goodwin, director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, made his report at the meeting of the Archaeological Institute Wednesday night.
The arrangements for the contemplated European trip of American lacrosse players is being rapidly pushed. By February next the team will be selected and the journey will be begun sometime in June.
The Yale foot-ball team plays the University of Pennsylvania at New Haven, Nov. 10, and the University of Michigan Nov. 14. On election day it visits Brooklyn to play Rutgers.
The building at Amherst which contams the Lawrence observatory and the Woods mineralogical cabinet was recently saved from destruction by fire through the exertions of the students.
Page's Newspaper Annual for '83 gives the following statistics in regard to the circulation of the leading American college papers: The Dartmouth, 1,030; Tuftonian, 1,000; Yale Courant, 850; Yale News, 650; Lampoon, 700; Harvard Advocate, 450; Athenoeum, 600; Princetonian, 725; Amherst Student, 625.