An interesting game of foot-ball was played yesterday between the bicycle club and the lacrosse club. The latter won by a score of 5 to 2; two touchdowns and a safety to one touchdown.
The Sport man thinks it would be a good plan to have foot-ball players numbered, that they may be recognized on the field.
The N. Y. Times thinks that, "as a result of the boat-house accident a new boat-house will doubtless be built in the near future."
Mr. Gibson, after his defeat for the lord rectorship of St. Andrews, telegraphed to Mr. Lowell to congratulate him and to say that no one recognized more readily than himself Mr. Lowell's eminence and superior claims.
The programme of the Country Club for Thanksgiving day, as far as arranged, is a meeting of the Myopia fox hunt at 10 o'clock, pigeon shooting for the club cup at 11 o'clock, and, after the usual lunch, a game of foot-ball in the afternoon.
The following, taken from the Nassau Lit, will be news to Harvard men :-"Harvard has a musical instructor in the person of Professor Payne. This gentleman has charge of all the musical interests of the college. He trains the glee clubs and choruses, and daily presides at the college organ-rendering a select programme of choice music."
The racket used by Dr. Dwight, (made by Wright and Ditson) in his late match with Mr. W. Renshaw was very much admired by the English champion, who proposes to get one like it.
Harvard Union debate in Sever 11 at 7.30 this evening. Question : Resolved That representatives in Congress and in state legislatures should vote according to the wishes of their constituents rather than according to their own convictions. Principal disputants; for the affirmative, Messrs. Carrier, '85, and McArthur, '85; for the negative, Messrs. E. A. Hibbard, '84, and Goodale, '85.
Mr. Knapp's report on the boat-house accident which has not been made public, divides the responsibility, holding that the corporation is not entirely responsible. As it is understood that no suits are to be brought the matter will be allowed to rest on the part of the corporation.