The lacrosse team will play the bicycle club a match game of foot-ball today on Jarvis field; game called at 2 P. M.
N. H. 4, will occasionally have excursions during the winter, when the weather permits, notices of which will be duly given by Prof. Shaler,
The Yale alumni together with some invited undergraduates expect to have a banquet in New York, next Thursday, after the Thanksgiving-game.
The letter of the Yale men in reference to the Harvard-Yale foot-ball match was erroneously reported to have been addressed to the faculty. It was directed to Prof. Norton.
The following men from '86 have been elected members of the Everett Athenaeum : Henry, Frye, Santayana, J. C. Faulkner, Boyden, E. B. Jennings, Babbitt. Churchill.
It is rumored that Capt. Webb never was drowned at Niagara Falls but sent down a dummy. The body is said not to have been his, and that the Captain will appear again some day.
Only one change has been made in the rules of the National Base-ball league for the ensuing year, and that is the expunging of the rule regarding the "foul balk."
After a hard-fought contest on Jarvis field on Friday afternoon between the nine and the lacrosse team, the former left the field the victors by a score of 1 goal and 1 touchdown to 1 safety. The playing on both sides was spirited and brilliant.
Mr. Paul Tullane has just completed the donation to his administrators of bonds yielding $19,000 yearly for the use of Tulave University, Louisiana. This last gift of Mr. Tullane to the university fund makes it foot up $1,000,000, with very much more in prospect.
All those who have subscribed to the College Reading Room are requested to pay their subscriptions as soon as possible at Bartlett's, or to any one of the directors of the association, Messrs. Prentiss, '84, Butler, '84, Halbert, '85, Carpenter, '85, Merriam, '86, or W. B. Scofield, '87. The sooner all subscriptlons are paid, the sooner will it be possible to extend the list of periodicals taken. Future subscriptions also may be left at Bartlett's or with any of the directors.