

There is a theme due today in English 8; subject ; What I find in Wordsworth.

There will be one hour examination in Phylosophy 4 tomorrow on the work of the course up to the present time.

The Yale News is much incensed at the manner in the which the N.Y.World represented the foot-ball abilities of Princeston and Yale.

Meeting of the St. Paul's Society at 7 o'clock, tonight. Rev. Mr. Courtney will address the society.

Funkhouser, who once played for Princeton, is a member of the Union Pacific Base-ball Club of Omaha.


Rev. Frederick Courtney, of Boston, will address the St. Paul's Society, 17 Grays, at 7. P. M. this evening. A large attendance is desired.

The trustees of Vassar College have forbidden the driving of nails and tacks in the walls, except under the supervision of the proper authorities.

The Michigan eleven is making a tour of eastern colleges, and will play Yale and Princeton, as well as Harvard.

Mr. Fawcelt, the postmaster General of England, has been elected, over Mr. John Ruskin, as lord rector of the University of Glasgow.

There will be a new professional base ball club in Boston next year. It will be known as the Boston Union nine and has secured the old Coliseum grounds on Huntington avenue to play on.

Those who engage coaches for the Thanksgiving game should remember that no coach will be allowed to drive through the Park without a permit. [News.

Greek 3 has now finished Book xv. of Homer's Odyssey. There will be an hour examination in this course before December, which may be substituted for parts of the mid-year examination. Two-thirds of the paper will be at sight, one-third will be on what has already been read.

The following have been elected associate members of the Pierian Sodality and Glee Club, '84, Abbott, Agassiz, Bliss, Bryant, J. G. Coolidge, Cummins, Curtis, C. B. Davis, Ledlie, Mandell, L. A. Shaw, W. D. Smith, Spelman, Wesselhoeft, Whitwell, Wyeth: '85, Atkinson, Codman, Coxe, Delano, Krumbhaar, McArthur, Simpkins, Storrow, W. Thayer, White.

The Moot Courts which were once very popular in the Law School, are to be revived and will be held twice every month, sitting in the great lecture room of the Law School. Professors Gray and Ames are to sit as Judges alternately. The cases will be set by the above professors and the counsel, two for each side in every case and will be chosen by lot. Attendance and participation in the exercises of these Moot Courts is entirely voluntary.
