

Prof. Shaler will go to Newport today.

Seats will shortly be assigned in N. H. 4.

The Moat Courts are to be revived in the Law School.

Mr. Matthew Arnold will lecture at Union Hall, Cambridge Dec. 4.

A large number of summons have recently been issued.


Mr. M. H. Cushing, '83, is no longer connected with the Cambridge Tribune.

"History and Methods of Classical Study" by Prof. Allen in Sever 18 at 11 A. M.

Yale, '87, easily defeated the Polytechnic School eleven Wednesday. Score 49 to O.

Tompkins, captain of the Yale eleven will act as referee in today's Harvard-Princeton game.

Columbia was beaten in foot-ball

Mr. Stanton Day, '83, has given up journalism and will devote himself to the study of law.

Several Harvard students will have entries in the next meeting of the Country Club, at Hyde Park.

Some valuable additions have recently been made to the collection of curiosities in the Agassiz Museum.

The Yale, '87,-Harvard, '87, foot-ball game has been arranged for November 21. It will be played at Hartford or Springfield.

"Senior Societies at Yale" is the subject of a vigorous protest to the Nation from a member of the class of '84 of that institution. The writer claims that the Yale papers are all under the control of the secret societies.
