The fall meetings of the Toronto and Baltimore bicycle clubs occur today at Toronto and Baltimore respectively.
The Princeton lacrosse team plays the New York team at Staten Island this afternoon. There will be an excursion in N. H. 4 today to Squantum; train leaves Old Colony Depot at 2.15.
Professor Allen will give another lecture on history and methods of classical study, in Sever 14, at 11 o'clock today.
The prizes in the Lee reading for sophomores on Thursday evening were awarded as follows: H. A. Taylor, $35; J. H. Payne, $25; H. B. Hutchins. $25; O. B. Roberts, $25; H. E. Frazer $20.
An old gentleman was walking on the platform of a country station with a pet poodle. The dog happened to get in the way of a large, fat baggage master, who gave the little brute a kick. "What do you mean by kicking my dog?" said the enraged owner. "Why, the dog is mad," returned the baggage master. "My dog mad, what are you talking about." "I say the dog is mad; wouldn't you be mad if I kicked you?"
We understand that Professor William Watson Goodwin, of Harvard College, is about to build a house for summer use on Clark's Island. Professor goodwin will have the pleasure of building on land which has descended to him from his ancestor, in an unbroken line, for nearly two hundred years. clark's Island was originally granted by the town, is 1680, to Elkanah Watson and two others. Mr. Watson soon bought out the other proprietors, so that practically the estate has been in the Watson name for nearly two centuries. -[Old Colony (Plymouth) Memorial.