

Entries for the scratch races close todays at Bartlett's, at 12 o'clock.

A number of text books have been left at the college library by a graduate, and any student who needs them can have whatever he wishes by applying to Mr. Kierman.

A game of football between club tables 24 and 36 of Memorial, yesterday, resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 1 goal and 5 touchdowns to 0.

A reception was tenderen by the president of the university to Prof. Von Holst at the close of his lecture last night.

The following are the dates of the concerts to be given in Sanders Theatre by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Henschel: November 8th, December 6th, January 10th, February 14th and March 20th. It is probable that the cost of course tickets will this year be $2.50.



There will be a hare and hounds run tomorrow, starting from the steps of Matthews at 3 o'clock. Previous winners handicapped. Time cups will be given in addition to the 1st and 2d prizes. The prizes won last Saturday may be had by calling at my room, 16 Weld.

H. D. SMITH. Capt.A pair to sneak thieves attempted to steal two overcoats from the gymnasium Monday night. They were first apprehended by the gymnasium boy. He saw them making off with the coats, and stopped them. "Alex" and Mellen came to his assistance, and the fellows were taken to the station house. They could not pay their fines of $35, and so were sent to the house of correction in East Cambridge for six months. Dr. Sargent thinks that these are the thieves that have been stealing from the gymnasium for some time.

The third number of the Advocate, out today at 4 P. M., will contain a criticism on the football team; "Lady Clawdia," by F. Mary Ann Crowfoot; Satire-"The Way of the World," and correspondence on the football prospects by a member of the '82 eleven. All subscribers who have noticed any delay or irregularity in the delivery of the paper, will confer a favor upon the management by kindly reporting the fact at Mr. Sever's. Any who desire to have their papers sent to their rooms and do not receive them would confer a favor upon the editors by reporting the fact at Sever's.
