

ARTICLE V.MEETINGS.SECTION 1. The association shall meet annually at some date between December 10th and 31st, to be decided by the committee of reference, after correspondence with the members.

SECTION 2. The place of meeting shall be decided by the annual convention for the succeeding convention.

SECTION 3. The convention, when assembled regularly in the place, and at the time above specified, shall proceed immediately with the following order of business :

Roll call.

Minutes of previous convention.


Reports of retiring officers.

Proposals and election of members.

Election of officers.

Election of members for literary work of the succeeding convention.

Unfinished business.

New business.


SECTION 4. After the business of the association shall have been satisfactorily adjusted by the convention it shall proceed with the literary exercises, which shall consist of an oration, a poem, a history of college journalism during the completed year, a paper on some live college topic, and general discussion by members. The literary exercises shall be provided by those members regularly elected for such duty by the preceding convention.

ARTICLE VI.CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES.SECTION 1. Each board of editors represented in the association shall choose annually one of its members as a corresponding secretary for its journal, and immediately notify the secretary of the association of such election. In case of the removal of such secretary a successor shall immediately be chosen.

SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the corresponding secretary to furnish any of the journals belonging to the association, as accurately and promptly as possible, such information respecting his college as is sought by said journal. For any neglect or non-performance of his duties his journal shall be responsible to the association.

ARTICLE VII.ENTRANCE FEES AND DUES.SECTION 1. The initiation fee to this association shall be $10, payable on joining the association.

SECTION 2. The dues shall be $5 a year, payable at the convention.

ARTICLE VIII.AMENDMENTS.Amendments to this constitution may be proposed in writing to the secretary of the association one month previous to the annual convention, at which time it will be acted upon. The consent of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment.
