

Mr. Ruskin has lately applied himself with renewed activity to the founding of his new model museum at Sheffield.

Not a single New Haven girl is among the prospective wives of the class of '82 of Yale. We congratulate you, girls.

College games this week : Thursday, Harvard vs. Yale, at Cambridge; Saturday, Yale vs. Princeton, at New York.

The freshmen have received an invitation to row in the college races at Lake George, July 4th. It is not probable that it can be accepted.

Lasell girls are to wear uniforms next year, and some of the girls object on the ground that the uniforms chosen don't suit their style of beauty.


The race for the Childs challenge cup, between the four-oared crews of Pennsylvania University and Princeton, takes place at Philadelphia next Friday.

The baccalaureate sermon was delivered before the class of '82 in Appleton Chapel yesterday by Rev. F. P. Peabody. It was regarded as exceedingly able and eloquent.

The freshman crew leaves for New York Wednesday. Two members of the class have generously offered to entertain them at their homes during their stay in the city.

The College of Notre Dame, Indiana, will shortly bring out the "OEdipus Tyrannus." The scenery and costumes were prepared in Athens, under the supervision of a priest sent especially for the purpose.

FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.
