


Arabi Pasha has had notices placarded in Alexandria declaring himself responsible for the safety of the European residents and exhorting tranquility. The whole American mission has embarked on board the U. S. steamer Galena.

Rear Admiral Nicholson, commanding the European station, telegraphs to the navy department that all the vessels of that squadron now in the Mediterranean are under orders to proceed to Alexandria, Egypt, to look after American interests at that port.

It is semi-officially stated that all the powers have agreed to request the immediate acceptance of the conference on the Egyptian question by Turkey. Failing her assent, the conference will meet elsewhere than at Constantinople without Turkey's participation.

Dispatches from Dublin say that a man answering to the description of one of the murderers of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Under Secretary Burke in Phoenix Park has been arrested at Kingscourt. His account of his movements is unsatisfactory. He has been brought to Dublin under a strong escort.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 17, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, south to west winds, slight rise, followed by falling barometer, stationary or a slight rise in temperature.

