

Rev. C. F. Thwing, of the class of '76, will address the Society of Christian Brethren this evening at 6.45. The society meets at 18 Stoughton. All are invited.

Professor Palmer will next year have a course in Hegel; the course will be conducted at Prof. Palmer's private apartments, and will contain probably not more than six or eight members. It will be held in the afternoon or evening, as the class may desire, the recitations to be held once a week and to last two hours; it is to be counted, however, as a whole course.

The University Lacrosse Team start today for Princeton. They will probably play tomorrow about noon and return on Saturday. About $60 has been raised toward paying their expenses. The following is a list of the men and their positions: Goal, Eastern; point, Davis; cover-point, Henry; defense fielders, Noble, Sturgis, Ennis and Marquand; centre, Williams (in place of Thorndike); offense field, Coit, Machado, Noyes and Cresey; substitute, Woods.

Several changes have been made in the Elective Pamphlet for next year. Mathematics 5 has been changed from group IV. to group II., and will come in M. W. F., at 10 A. M.; Mathematics 8. from group IV. to group V., M. W. F., 2 P. M.; Greek 5 has been changed from group XII. to XI., Thursday, 2 P. M. Latin 7 still remains in group XII., Thursday, 3 P. M.

FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.

