Harvard vs. Tufts at 4 P. M. on Jarvis today.
The nine will not play the Beacons this week as announced.
The Union Boat Club is planning a series of regattas on the Charles River in June.
Hall will catch in the game today, Nichols will play centre and Crocker right field.
A member of the Providence nine considers Bean the best college pitcher he ever played against.
C. F. Matthewson, the catcher and third base of the Dartmouth nine has been chosen valedictorian of his class.
About twelve or fifteen Harvard men attended the funeral ceremonies of Emerson at Concord on Sunday last.
The new superintendent of the college buildings assumed the duties of his office yesterday, in place of Mr. Wait, resigned.
At the '85 meeting of Yale on Saturday J. H. Briggs broke the best previous Yale record in putting the shot, making 32 ft. 4 in.
In the score of the Harvard-Providence game in yesterday's paper Harvard should have been credited with one error instead of none.
Several new courses in Philology, under the head of "The Classics," and a new course in Philosophy (on Hegel) will be given next year.
The college postman was delayed in his rounds yesterday afternoon by the multiplicity of mail matter sent out by a well known Cambridge coal dealer.
We have received from Lee & Shepard, Boston, a copy of "Poison," a farce, as acted at the Hasty Pudding Club, Harvard College, Dec. 20th, 1881."
The outside half of the running track is to be marked for bicycles and is intended for the exclusive use of those who expect to enter for the game at the Polo Grounds.
The New York Herald thinks that "the question of admitting women to Harvard, Columbia and others of our highest institutions of learning, is one of growing importance."
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Rules under which the Class Races will be Rowed.