

The Athletic Association will give a prize for throwing the discus at the meeting on Saturday. Entries for this event must be made either to Mr. Wendell or Mr. Woodward by Thursday night.

Hereafter no reserved seats will be sold at the base-ball games on Jarvis field, except for the Yale game. Seats at each game will be reserved free for ladies. A section of seats will also be reserved for season ticket holders until game is called.

Last evening the seniors finished reading their commencement parts in Sanders Theatre to a committee consisting of Professors Hill, Lovering, Gurney, Thayer, Torrey, and C. C. Everett, D. D. The committee went into session at 9.10 but adjourned at 10.45 without having reached any decision. They will have another session today.

The Glee Club and Pierian Sodality give a concert in Sanders Theatre next Wednesday evening, May 24. The Sodality will give three orchestral selections. The Glee Club will produce Mr. Burton's new song, also serenade by Storch, introducing solo by Mr. McCagg, '84, "The Night," by Abt; "Hunter's Joy," Astholtz (by general request) ; "Bill of Fare," by Zollner; "March in Spring-Time," Becker, and a new piece, "Sir Cuckoo," with solo by Pendleton, '82. Tickets may be had at Sever's, or of members of either organization.

FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.

