

Although Mr. Pach has repeatedly extended the time for filling the orders of seniors for photographs, there still remains a large number who have not yet made their choice. We would therefore remind them that if they wish Mr. Pach to keep his contract they must fulfil their side of it.

The lacrosse team, by their steady practice and proficiency, deserve hearty support in their game tomorrow. As the team from the University of New York is considered one of the best in the college league, the game will probably be very interesting. The team will use their new uniforms for the first time.

The following extra fees will be charged from the beginning of the next academic year : From students in Chemistry 1 or 2 a fee of $10 each, in Chemistry 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 a fee of $15 each. A fee of $10 will also be charged to any student who takes Prof. Trowbridge's laboratory course in Physics, and of $5 to those who take any laboratory course in Natural History.

Librarian Winsor has completed a "List of the Most Useful Reference Books," which appears in the current number of the University Bulletin. "A List of Maps (1855 to 1881)," by R. Bliss, Jr., of the U. S. Geological Survey, and "A List of American Authors in Geology and Paleontology," by Professor J. D. Whitney, also appear in the same number.

A department of "University Notes," which in this number contains "Harvard Necrology," by John Langdon Sibley, a catalogue of Cartographs and Scientific Notes is introduced in the April Bulletin. Mr. Sibley states that : "Graduates and class secretaries are requested to send to the writer class reports, both new and old, and all newspapers which contain obituaries and other notices of Harvardians. It is important to have the places of birth and death, and in addition to the year, to have the month and day of the month."


FURNITURE. Chamber, Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Hall furniture, from an immense stock, is sold direct from the manufactory, at PAINE'S, 48 Canal and 141 Friend streets, opposite Boston & Maine depot, Boston.
