

"Mott Haven," in an editorial in Saturday's issue, should have read "New York Polo Grounds."

Several members of '81 are trying to make arrangements for heliotype albums from last year's negatives.

The championship cup to be presented at the annual meeting of the Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association, to be held at the New York polo grounds, May 27, cost $300, and the case $25.

The Heliotype Printing Co. have issued a circular letter to members of '82, requesting to be released from their proposal, and contradicting Pach's statement that the pictures are reversed in the heliotype process.

We acknowledge the receipt of a finely gotten up catalogue of Hillsdale college. From it we learn that the number of students in attendance in the different courses there is 1000. The number is divided as follows: Graduates, 23; seniors, 20; juniors, 30; sophomors, 44; freshmen, 82. In the preparatory classes are 538; theological department, 34; commercial department, 173; musical department, 170; art department, 93. Deducting those named more than once, it leaves a total of 816.


PARLOR BED. PAINE'S new parlor bed is very convenient. A number of very fine dressing case beds are now being placed in the warerooms at the manufactory, 141 Friend street, Boston.
