

Yesterday afternoon the Yale sophomores gave their class German; the juniors theirs at the same place in the evening. The senior German took place in the Athenaeum, and one was given also by the Cloister men. It appears that the athletic Yalensians have become devotees of Terhsichore.

The students and townsmen of Oberlin have subscribed over $200,000 towards the temperance reform, now in progress at that place. A resolution was adopted, petitioning the legislature to grant to college towns the right to restrict the sale of intoxicating liquors, and also disclaiming all purpose to use violence.

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has just decided, in the case of the professor in mathematics in Lewisburg University vs. the corporation, that a college professor is not an officer, but merely an employee of the institution he serves, and, therefore, can be dismissed with no formality of presentment and proving of charges.

The conductor of the night car between Cambridge and Boston will be richer one year from now than he is today. The reason is this : About one week ago a passenger lost a pocket-book containing five hundred dollars, and inside the pocket-book was a card bearing the owner's name. The conductor found it and restored it to the owner. The owner did not reward him with the name of his address, but went with him the next morning and deposited the five hundred dollars in a Boston Savings Bank, subject to the conductor's order, one year from the day of deposit. The loser of the funds was the father of a Harvard student.

FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.


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