The town hall in East St. Louis was burned Sunday morning.
The excise law in Brooklyn was rigidly enforced yesterday.
There was a $11,000 fire at the Boston Highlands Sunday morning.
By an explosion in a coal mine at Leoben in Styria 150 persons were killed.
The governor of Paris has been elected a senator for the department of Eure.
Lane, '83, has been elected a director of Memorial Hall, vice Butler, resigned.
Tickets for the memorial exercises of Gen. Garfield are selling at $25 apiece.
President Robinson of Brown University preached in the College Chapel yesterday.
Solomon Bros., grocers, at Savannah, Ga., were burned out yesterday. Loss, $90,000.
It is not known yet whether Conkling will accept the nomination for the supreme bench.
The trial of the Nihilists charged with murdering the emperor is now going on in St. Petersburg.
Three Harvard professors - Holmes, Shaler and Trowbridge - are contributors to the March Atlantic.
Dr. Casper R. Gregory, professor of rhetoric in Lincoln University, Chester County, Pa., died yesterday.
The smoking cars appear today. The first one leaves Harvard square at 6.39, and then every half-hour.
At the Pennsylvania Dental College commencement at Philadelphia, Saturday, there were 50 graduates.
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