


Ex-Senator Sargent of California is nominated for minister to Germany.

Maud S. will be driven on the road next summer by W. H. Vanderbilt.

A new edition of the report on Hall's second Arctic expedition is to be prepared.

The small-pox patients landed from the Peruvian at Halifax are all bad cases.

England is still desirous of further investigation into the working of the land act.


The published statement of the expenses of Garfield' illness are said to be incorrect.

Mrs. Mary D. Haskell was killed by an express train in West Somerville yesterday.

Congress directs inquiries to be made into the official action in the Chili-Peru imbroglio.

The liabilities of the Newcomb-Buchannan Company of Louisville are about $1,200,000.

It is proposed to erect time balls in the principal cities. This brings up the question of local time.

The injunction to prevent the performance of "The Colonel" at Haverly's New York theatre was refused.

Petitions praying Congress to halt in legislating respecting polygamy have been signed throughout Utah.

A glove fight has been interrupted in New Haven, Ct., and the participants brought before the court. The defence will show that glove boxing is practised for prizes in the Yale Gymnasium.

Over thirty of the large fish dealers on Commercial Wharf have decided to move their stores to the South Boston flats.

In the trial of the Nihilists, the Russian government is unable to elicit any information as to those involved in the recent robbery of the treasury.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 25, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, northerly, veering to easterly winds, stationary or higher temperature and stationary higher pressure.
