The Yale crew has gone on the water.
Today is the sixth anniversary of the Johns Hopkins University.
The second semester of the University of Michigan opened Monday.
There are eighteen graduates of Harvard in the Columbia Law School.
The course in Spanish 1 is now being partly conducted in the Spanish language.
A reception was given to Prof. Goodwin by the Penn Club of Philadelphia last week.
The annex has a gymnasium in the large block on Brattle square, Dr. Sargent in charge.
Prof. Norton will lecture at the Hawthorne Rooms next Saturday on the discoveries at Assos.
The annual dinner of the Michigan University Alumni of Boston, takes place this evening at the Crawford House.
The smoking cars of the Union R. R. did not make their appearance yesterday, as announced, on account of the snow.
J. T. Wheelwright, '76, has a short piece of verse, "Absence of Mind," in the Bric-a-brac department of the March Century.
An absurd rumor has been going the rounds that Memorial Hall will be closed next week. There is no foundation for such a report.
The Dartmouth sophomores have their class supper this evening at Montpelier, and the freshmen have theirs at the same time at Montreal.
Of course he had had considerable champagne, but he had no right to tell her that they call them Germans because they are too-tone (hic).
Mr. Drury's new brand of cigars improves on acquaintance, and if kept up to its present standard must become popular among the students.
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