

This is the first day of the second half-year.

The recitations of the three upper classes begin today.

The Post says that "Guiteau" is the Spanish for a "vicious mule."

The Dartmouth freshmen have to go to Montreal to get their class supper.

Dr. E. A. Freeman declares he never heard of Oscar Wilde until he came to America.


President Porter delivered one of the lectures of the Scientific School course at Yale.

Judge Tourgee, author of "A Fool's Errand," etc., has written a new novel, entitled "John Eax."

Oscar is pleased with Niagara. The lines do not suit him, but the coloring he considers intense.

The reception of the president to law students will be given on Thursday, instead of Tuesday as before stated.

The Boston boy, with vague fears of the small-pox scourge, translates Arma virumque cano, "I sing of arms and the virus."

Professor Sargent will commence a course of lectures tomorrow, on the "Theories and Principles of Physical Training."

The New York Union League, of which the late Dr. Bellows was a member, have decided to have his portrait painted and placed in their rooms.

A careful examination of the catalogue fails to show the name of any person called Charles Mahon, the Boston Herald of yesterday, to the contrary notwithstanding.

Friday's Boston World contained a letter from a "goody," in which it was stated that a "goody" received the large sum of two cents for cleaning and arranging each room.

Vincennes "University" (Ind.,) is running a lottery, from which it expects to realize $20,000. It is allowed to do so under State charter. We congratulate our sister university upon this strikingly original plan of hers for advancing the cause of the "higher education" and good morals in the West.

The Cornell Sun continues to put in a semioccasional appearance. We like the Sun; there is nothing about it to excite much thought or any partial feeling. When we are tired, we lie down, take up the last copy of the Sun, and are sure to fall immediately into blissful and quiet slumber. Now that the kidnapping excitement is over, and the freshman supper is a thing of the buried past, what will the poor Sun editor find to write about?

In a college at Knoxville, Tenn., which before the war taught anti-slavery doctrines, and now contains many colored students, the members of a literary society composed of white students recently dared to reject a colored candidate for admission. Thereupon, the irate faculty commanded them to receive him. They refused, and consequently twenty-three of their number were expelled, taking off with them the society library. Now fifty others have left college, and consequently "there's trubble in de church."

FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.

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