

The Acta, in its last number, had lots of fun with "Skull" and "Dorrs" of the Yale football team.

The library of the late Prof. Bluntschli, consisting of 3,000 volumes on international law and similar subjects, is advertised for sale.

Rubenstein wears a silk hat on Saturdays. Fact. - [Ex.] Are we to infer from this that the gentleman goes bare-headed the rest of the week?

The last number of the Yale Courant is an exceedingly strong and able one. We have not seen it, and for that reason further criticism is deferred. - [Acta.

The number of applicants for the nine is unusually large, and the raw material gives promise of some fine players, with proper training. - [Princetonian.


Prof. C. A. Young of Princeton, who, on the 17th inst. will lecture before the Natural History Society on "Meteors and Comets," has just published through the Appletons a work on "The Sun."

What is a kiss? A monosyllable form of communication, composed only of labials, frequently used as a conjunction, although an article, and more common than proper. (To be continued.) - [Harvard Herald.] It would be a poor kind of a kiss, if it wasn't to be continued! [Phila. Sun.

The last number of the Crimson was especially bright and entertaining. It is a great pity that the editors of that paper are not published, for they surely should receive the credit due them for giving their readers so many pert verses and pleasing short stories. The Crimson has our best wishes for the success it so richly deserves. - [Acta.

The Princetonian thinks that Princeton's failure to obtain first place last spring in base ball, and its loss of the foot ball championship in the fall, were largely due to the faulty training, or rather, over-training of nine and eleven. The Princetonian thinks that if the weather continues as it has been for the past few weeks, the nine could obtain incalculable benefit from outdoor practice at batting.
