

The Auditor's Report - Resolutions Adopted.

Had it been possible to obtain the Oct. bills in due season, the price per week for that month would have been about $4.44, and for Nov. about $4.42.

It will be seen from the following table that the average price for Oct. and Nov. 1882 is less than in the corresponding months of the last two years :

Oct. Nov. Average.

1880 4.82 4.29 4.45 1/2


1881 4.72 4.80 4.76

1882 4.25 4.62 4.43 1/2

FRED'K J. RANLETT,M. H. CUSHING,WILL. BELDEN NOBLE,Auditing Committee.RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.Whereas, The error of nineteen cents in the reported cost of board per week for the month of October was due to an estimate by the steward at $600 of an item of expense, which turned out to be $1189.89; and

Whereas, The necessary data for an approximate estimate were, or should have been at hand, -

Resolved, That the directors, while they have confidence in the steward's integrity, nevertheless, in this particular instance, censure his carelessness and unbusinesslike conduct, deeming it out of keeping with the responsible position which he holds.

Resolved, That the accuracy of the monthly reports is a matter of the highest importance in conducting the affairs of the association, and that the officers of the association be required in the future to use great care in respect to these reports.
