Harvard is kicking because the Thanksgiving recess was shortened down to a single day. As if one day was not enough in which to let them loose upon the community. - [Somerville Journal.
1428, says the catalogue, is Harvard's present size. Add to this 185 officers of instruction and government, making a total of 1613, and it will be seen that Harvard forms a very respectable community by itself.
Prof. Young of Princeton expresses great satisfaction over the result of his observations of the transit of Venus, and thinks he has obtained them very accurately. He took nearly two-hundred photographs of it.
The Boston Traveller published a column article Monday evening on "Harvard Happenings." We understand that it is the intention of this paper hereafter to publish a similar "feature" article every Saturday evening.
A Princeton man writes in regard to the foot-ball championship: "Our place this year is very poor; our confidence during the first part of the year was of the highest. and, I think, the fact that three of our best players were injured early in the season accounts for our failure."
It was on the cars just after the Yale-Harvard freshman foot-ball game. He was a Yale man. She, the cousin of a Harvard man. "Is this seat engaged, he said?" "No, sir!" she sweetly murmured, and he sat down. But that was as far as it went. He cast side-long glances, he hemmed, he coughed. In vain; the fair one heeded not but gently dozed. The people in the car smiled, he blushed, and - betook himself to the smoking car. - [Student.