

Since 1868, when Dr. McCosh became its president, Princeton College has received $2,500,000 in donations of various kinds.

The Lampoon will issue a special number next Friday - not a Thanksgiving number, but, we understand, a "Yale" number.

"Yale Defeats Harvard and Princeton at the Same Time in Harvard's Back Yard," is the elegant heading chosen by the News for its account of the game.

The Princeton Catalogue contains descriptions of the various courses given, written by the professors in charge - an innovation the college press at Harvard has been urging for years but have not yet secured.

Mr. George W. Cable of New Orleans has been engaged to deliver a course of six lectures before the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., during the month of March next. Mr. Cable, in his lectures, will discuss the relations of literature to modern society.


Anent the Harvard Annex the Brunonian says: "What effect the advent of five or six hundred studiously-in-clined young women would have upon the spirit of our venerable sister college, we can scarcely predict. The question may soon be solved, however; for, unless the signs of the times are most deceptive, the university will, in the near future, be opened, even the Veterinary Department, to the fair sex, and the ancient halls may, ere long, resound throughout to the tread of lighter feet."
