

Meeting of P. E. A. '82 men at 24 Holyoke at 7.30 sharp this evening.

Post 56, G. A. R. fair, re-opens Monday night. All who have not voted for Billie, the postman, can do so then, or leave a vote with their janitor to be deposited for him.

The game of foot-ball between the Harvard and Yale freshmen will take place next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock on Holmes Field. Mr. Camp of Yale will act as referee.

At the foot-ball game at Cambridge the other day, the scoring was very inaccurate. The young gentlemen, when not otherwise engaged, spent their time in affectionate stroking of their upper lips, and yet the number of touchdowns reported was altogether insignificant. - [Ex.] The labored wit of the above is appalling. We hope it will not result seriously.

J. R. Flannery, secretary of the National Lacrosse Association, explains that the delay in forwarding the Oelrichs cup to the Harvard Lacrosse Club was simply owing to its being necessary to repair a damage to the cup which happened to it while it was on exhibition. The $300 bonds for its safe-keeping which the winning club is required by the rules to give were not asked from Harvard in advance, and it was not because they were not completed that the cup was not forwarded sooner.

