

Prof. Chas. Eliot Norton contributes personal reminiscences to the forthcoming volume on the poet Clough, edited by Mr. Waddington.

Herbert Spencer, the distinguished English philosopher, visited the college yesterday, being the guest of John Fiske, formerly of the Harvard Library.

The lectures in Economic Geology will be dispensed with during fine weather, and the class will spend two days each week in the field. Next Friday an excursion will be made to Squantum. A two days' excursion to Middletown, Ct., is contemplated.

The following-named men are trying for the sophomore crew: Marsh, Bowen, Follansbee, Batten, Homans, J. E. Thayer, Bartlett, Sutton, W. Thayer.

The city of Cambridge, by Mayor James A. Fox, has petitioned the legislature for permission to take the water of the Shawsheen river as an additional water supply.


Daniel Pratt has at length unearthed the corner-stone of modern knowledge. He declared that "the unabridged dictionary is the most sane and valuable book in the world; that it is the key to every problem."

Handbooks of Developing Exercises are now ready at the gymnasium office for numbers 1173, 1191, 860, 1186, 955, 965, 1166, 1171, 967, 1163, 928, 1150, 1181, 711, 915, 1180, 1144, 1183, 1148, 1142, 1147, 918, 621.

A Cambridge letter to the Providence Journal says: "It is a long, steep pathway to the beetling heights of Cambridge culture, but once there, the air is deliciously cool and fresh, the view superb, and the opportunity to look down upon one's fellow-men not only unparalleled but irresistible." The same letter intimates that in Cambridge society Harvard students are regarded as cyphers.

The Lampoon makes its first appearance of the year in giddy red, intended, perhaps, for crimson. For the first number, under a new board, it is a creditable beginning, though not up to the standard. Although the Crimson makes a weekly appearance, it keeps up its standard well. It has a progressive spirit, which certainly does not characterize the Advocate. On the contrary, the latter seems to become more and more conservative, and, consequently, to present articles comparatively uninteresting. - [Princetonian.

The trustees of the Cambridge Hospital have secured nine acres on the south side of Mt. Auburn street, between Chauncy and Lowell streets, formerly known as Simond's Hill. The lot extends from Mt. Auburn street to the river, upon which it has a front of five hundred feet. Directly opposite, on the other side of the river, is the Cottage meadow, or park, of seventy acres, given some years ago to Harvard College by Professor Henry W. Longfellow and others. This is to be kept open forever as a pleasure ground, upon which no buildings other than those fitted for such a park can ever be erected.
