

Chapel presents a full appearance. Men are saving up their cuts for use further on.

Wanted. - Langdell's "Cases on Contracts." Address W., care Tribune Office, Cambridge.

A committee from '86 will soon be appointed on the Longfellow Memorial Association.

The foot-ball eleven of Phillips Exeter Academy will be allowed to play our freshman team this year.

The subscription lists for the '83 heliotype albums will be ready for signature at the class meeting this evening.


Herbert Putnam, director of the Dining Association, from '83, has resigned his position and gone abroad.

Professor Bowen will give a few lectures on Tuesday evenings (beginning Oct. 17) in Sever 11 on "The Study of the English Bible in its Literary and Secular Aspect, and the due place of such study in a system of Liberal Education."

Mr. R. K. Longfellow of Rutland, a nephew of the late poet, has just entered the freshman class of Harvard University, says the Globe.

Particular attention is called to the announcement that the changes of the dinner hour at Memorial (5.30 to 6.30 instead of 6 to 7) will not go into effect until a week from today.

Charles H. Grandgent, '83, has been elected president of the O. K., in place of H. G. Chapman, Jr., resigned. Mr. Chapman will remain in the O. K. as an honorary member.

Twenty students went with Professor Shaler on the geological excursion to Marblehead Neck on Saturday afternoon. Numerous specimens of stone were brought home by members of the party.

Smith, the Yale student who was recently arrested and fined for swindling, is the player who in Harvard's game with Yale last spring made the remarkable fielding catch of Coolidge's long fly, and thus contributed so largely to Yale's success in the game.

The seventeenth annual convention of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held in Charlestown, Oct. 10 - 12. Wednesday, Oct. 11, will be state day, when the report of the year's work will be made, and questions pertaining to its continuance discussed. In the evening college work will be presented by students from Yale, Amherst, Williams and Princeton, upon which occasion a quartette from the Yale College Glee Club will sing. St. Paul's Society and the Christian Brethren will be represented.

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