

The eleven play Wesleyan on Saturday, Stevens Institute on the 20th and Williams on the 27th.

The candidates for the freshman eleven were coached yesterday by Mr. Thacher. '82.

A subscription to the foot-ball team of five dollars entitles any member of the university to a ticket, admitting him to all games played in Cambridge. It is expected that there will be about two games a week played on Jarvis.

At the request of the board of health, says the Advertiser, Professor Wood of Harvard College is making a scientific analysis of specimens of Cochituate water, drawn from different sections of the city.

M. Scribner, the new French instructor appointed to succeed Prof. Jacquinot, has lately been four years at the University College, Liverpool. He is a graduate of the University of Paris, with the degree of licensieen droit.


A set of electrotype reproductions of the ancient coins now in the British Museum has been received by the Greek department and placed in Sever 27.

Beck, of Yale's foot-ball team during the past three years, has left that college and is a medical student at the University of Pennsylvania.

The singles in the tennis tournament resulted as follows : Presbrey beat LeMoyne 6-2, 6-3 ; Taylor beat Hoyt 6-1, 6-2 ; Taylor beat Presbrey 6-1, 6-2, 6-1. In the doubles the drawings are Presbrey and Sarvin vs. Hoyt and Simes; Minot and Rathbone a bye.

The first of a series of fifteen lectures on the "History and Methods of Classical Study," will be given by Prof. Allen on Saturday, Oct. 6, at 11 A. M. in Sever 14. These lectures are meant primarily for the guidance of those who have in mind a somewhat extended course of study in Greek and Latin Classics. They are open to all students who take any Greek or Latin courses.
