

Prof. Louis Agassiz, it is said, being asked at one time by a bumptious litterateur how much of a fish diet would benefit his brain, advised him to begin with two small whales.

The first meeting of the term of the Harvard Total Abstinence League will be held in Sever 13, Wednesday evening, at 7.30. President and secretary are to be elected in place of Lothrop and Allen, who have left Cambridge.

Harvard College expects to be represented in the great matches at lacrosse which are to take place in New York the last of the month.

All those who won prizes in the spring meeting of the H. A. A., and who have not received them, can get them at 7 H'y today between 3 and 4. No prizes not claimed then will be given.

Representatives from seven New England colleges, one from Princeton and others from Williston, Exeter and Andover Academies were present at the recent convention of the Y. M. C. A. in Charlestown.


Dr. W. B. Carpenter of England is to give two courses of six lectures each before the Lowell Institute, beginning next Monday. The courses will treat of "The Physical Geography of the Deep Sea" and of "The Doctrine of Human Automatism."

The first of Dr. W. T. Harris' course of ten lectures on "The Philosophy of Education" was given Saturday morning Wesleyan Hall. His lecture dealt with education in its primitive forms, and included an interesting sketch of Chinese methods of teaching.

The Harvard Cricket Club has arranged two matches, one with the Longwood club, at Longwood, for Oct. 21st, and one with the Lawrence club, at Lawrence, for Oct, 25th. They may also play with the I. Zingaris of Boston, and the Arlington club of Lawrence.

Prof. John Trowbridge of the faculty of Harvard College sailed for Europe from Boston on Saturday, in the Cunard steamer Cephalonia. He goes as a delegate appointed by the State Department to the international electric commission, soon to assemble at Paris. This selection by Secretary Frelinghuysen is regarded by Prof. Trowbridge's associates as a high tribute to one of the most accomplished, though one of the youngest physicists of the country. The other delegate appointed by the State Department is Prof. Roland of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.-[Advertiser.

The Longwood tennis tournament opens today at 2 P. M. Messrs. Sears and Dwight are entered for the double. The following are the games of the first round: Singles-Gray vs. Metcalf, Rives vs. Butler, Clark vs. Agassiz, Pickman vs. Warren. Beals vs: Mixer, Nightingale vs. Woodman, Goodwin vs. Mandell, Sears vs. Bacon, Codman vs. Smith, Gammell vs. Dabney. Pairs-Nightingale and Smith vs. Hubbard and partner Sears and White vs. Dabney and Amry, Agassiz and Mandell vs. Mixer and Metcalf, Congdon and Gammell vs. Gray and Rives; Clark and partner a bye.
