


An earthquake was felt in Montreal yesterday morning.

President Arthur will arrive in Boston this morning.

A lunatic on Fourteenth street, New York, yesterday, stabbed half a dozen ladies.

Howard Carroll of the New York Times has accepted the nomination for Congressman-at-large.

At Adams, Mass., yesterday, a man named Savage was shot and fatally injured by Jas. Barrett.


Several political rows occured at Dayton, Ohio, in which one man was killed and another fatally injured.

The cricket match between the Australians and New Yorkers was played out yesterday, and won by the Australians.

At the election in Ohio yesterday, the Democrats were victorious, carrying the State by a majority of 10,000 to 15,000, and gaining seven Congressmen.

Base-ball games yesterday. - At Providence, Providence, 10; Chicagos, 4. At New York, Bostons, 6; Mets., 1. At Mt. Holly, N. J., Detroits, 13; Philadelphias, 9.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 11, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather during the day followed by threatening weather and rain, northerly to easterly winds, slight rise followed by falling barometer, slight change in temperature.
